Tuesday, May 29, 2018

May 28, 2018

Hey what is crackin good people. 

I hope everyone is living strong this summer.  I heard there are some mountain lions out and about so watch out for those.  

So this week was pretty fun!  We had a lot to do and i'm drawing a blank of what happened... But basically we met a really nice maye who only speaks sesotho so we needed to bring a member and he did so well. But its very nice to feel like the person you are teaching is actually being honest. I feel like I actually believed her when she said she would come to church so I guess we will see. But other than her we have the classic man "killer" who is doing good.  He is struggling money wise but he has a business plan and we are praying it works out for him. He is ready to be baptized.  We also have Alex and he really wants to be baptized so we will continue teaching him.  
We are preparing for zone conference tomorrow! Super stoked to see the zone and some old friends!  Also some news for the mission they are taking all the cars away in a few months so we are on the search for a new place to stay that is closer to the church and trying to find some cheap warm clothes to buy because we are on the cliff of winter.  Every night we've got 3 heaters on and bundled to the max.  
Something nice happened though recently. We get dinner every Saturday night from a wonderful family and they cooked us trout.... and then gave us a trout to take home. so yeah the best meal I've had in a year!!!! Made me miss how food should be. its okay one more year of eating differently and then ill be back to panda express and cafe rio.. 
Okay well keep it real and live it up!! 

peace and blessings
this is our investigator killer

May 21, 2018 - Lesotho

Dumela peeps!
So I'm in the place I have been wanting to serve for the whole mission!!!  This place is so sick! Mountains and cliffs on every corner!  We have to have a truck because the roads are so bad.  Its like off roading all day every day. Also the drivers are insane!  Everyone just does what they want. Also its crazy because this is the 7th dangerous country in the world!  We just had an investigator hurt a man with a shovel the other week. and then was trying to hurt  his own mom.  The man fled the country and no one has found him so that's sad. 
Next week were going to baptize a man named Siboli. aka "killer". Siboli means killer but the guy is super nice.   
The branch is super small and is mostly girls.  We usually have a lot but there is a college where most the members go and its way up in the mountains in a placed called Roma. We go there like once a week to see some people and they are all really cool.  
My new companion is from St. George. His name is Elder Thompson. He goes home in 3 months and has had a girlfriend waiting for him so hes pretty excited.  But this kid is dope!  Were already best buds and were hoping to hangout after mission but he has friends that are just as crazy as mine all around the world too serving.  The guy reminds me of Mat West. 
But anyways were doing great and have had a crazy week getting into another country but everything is swell.   I hope everyone is stoked for summer and enjoy!!!

Mothers Day

Our video call for Mother's day was perfect.  He sounded wonderful and looked great.  He bore his testimony in Zulu for us.  We noticed a little bit of an accent developing.  He did inform us that he was getting transferred to Lesotho which is a different country with in his mission.  He was pretty excited about it and we are excited to hear about this new area.  

No email since we spoke to him for Mothers day

May 7 2018

Hamba kunjani 

Over my time in Africa I've grown to just accept everything I see whether on the street or the walls or anywhere. And the other day I just thought to myself this would never happen anywhere else in the world. This country is one of a kind. There are pigs eating dirt with painted flag on its butt. Or a man riding a donkey with a makeshift wire attached to a shopping cart with 6 kids in it. Or a bunch of little kids that make toys out of milk cartons and bottle caps that work perfectly. It's definitely the little things I will miss about Africa. And my time seems to be speeding up! It's wild hearing that all the boys are getting home this summer! And then next one it will be me. 
Anyways this week didn't have anything amazing happen. No stories. Sorry. But it is week 6 now and I think elder Roman all be leaving. I'm bummed about it because I loved this kid! But on to the next one. 
It is starting to get very cold! Which is super nice and I've been waiting to feel cold wind forever! I hope it snows. 

One thing I've noticed since I got to africa is when you are walking around town or anywhere EVERYONE is looking at you. Who knows what they are thinking but they are thinking. Haha so whenever I'm in town or buying food I try to talk to someone. You can always tell if they wanna continue talking as well and they tend to ask about the nametag or the accent. But I've really grown to love hearing people's stories out here and just talking to strangers. Some people are nice and some are total jerks. But that's life. 
Anyways I guess that's what I have to say this week. Never be scared to talk to someone. Who knows they could be a nice fella. 
Peace and blessings 


April 30, 2018

Hello everyone! 
Sawubona abamuntu!
This week was nice we were pretty busy preparing our investigator for baptism! Everything went perfectly!! And thanks to my childhood we were able to get the baptism tub warm! Once upon a time the old crew aka Aren manu,  Kenny Zamberlin,and  rj Palmer had a broken hot tub so we filled it with hose water and then put boiling water into it. It worked perfectly. So yesterday it was freezing cold outside and also the water was freezing so I boiled a ton of water and made it super nice.  
Anyways it's already week 5 of the transfer and I'm 10 months!! Double digit guy. So ywah I'm getting kinda old on mission. I'm super stoked to see everyone and can't wait for the WHYNOTCREW to be back In action! 
Everyone go to prom and enjoy the last month of school! I graduated a year ago? And go see infinity war and tell me about it. I need to know how my heros are doing. I have a feeling that the good guys might lose cuz who can go against 5 infinity stones?  
It's mountain biking season! Everyone go shred and also I love seeing pics of you people so send away if you have time! 
Peace and blessings 
Hey everyone so this week was super boring... we had to take the car in to get serviced and it was suppose to be a 1 day  kinda thing but ended up being a week. That's south Africa. Oh and it's not even done. Haha we Have to take it in again here soon. We take I in looking a little banged up and we get it back looking like we got hijacked and someone threw a rave inside. But what can ya do. So because of this whole ordealio and having our area be 2 hour walk from where we stay because it's straight Bush, we had to catch a taxi but since we don't get paid anything at all we ended up stuck in town for a few days. And then I get sick so I guess it worked out so I could get some rest.
Anyways we will be getting the area going again this week and we're having a baptism! And I'm gonna be here!!! Finally.
 We just had some conference. It was a good time. I didn't know many missionaries though.. they are all new.. I getting old on mission wow. 
Also hope you fellers are gonna enjoy summer and graduation! Yo it's almost been a year. How time flies. Down under I'm going into winter and I'm so stoked. It's already getting cold. 
Sorry for the short and choppy email. But there wasn't much going on this week. But today we went to the gym! Oh how I missed the gym! We're gonna start going on Mondays just for chest shoulder and tri day. Most the other stuff i can do at home. All you just wait I'll be coming home looking like Arnold.
For baptisms we will also be having 3 on may 6th hopefully! My companion and I are being referred to the splash brothers. 
Everyone go skate, golf, frisbee, cricket. Go soak up the sun! 
Peace and blessings. 
Here's what houses look like. 
Views of africa.
We bought a live chicken. 50 rand so 3.50$
And me walking with the nice Dundee smile In the mountain. 

April 16, 2018

 I think this was a rough week all around! Everyone make sure you are praying for Christi! She's a true homie and one of the most kind hearted people I know! 

For my side we were sitting down with our huge family that we teach and the dad came home and I've never seen kids on there feet and scatter so fast. And the spirit was right behind them. He sat down and said he doesn't want us to teach his kids. And he wasn't willing to talk or discuss anything. We even asked to to share his beliefs and he wouldn't. He was so rude and we never saw the kids since. But the saddest part for me was when we were leaving dragging out hearts behind us wrapped in barbwire we saw the 12 year old boy with a big frown waving goodbye. Ish tore me in half. They were all progressing so well. But the bright side of things is there are a few kids that are 23 to 25 that the father is going to let us teach.  

Other than that i also got sick this weekend. I hope it's not Listeria. I've got fever and sore throat and we took the car in for service so we haven't had the car in two days and my area is an hour walk. So we're at a standstill right now. 

Anyways hopefully things get better. Peace and much love! 

There is a member with a homemade bench press so sometimes we shred. 

April 9th 2018 - Pure Love

hello hello hello.
Okay so this week was a little kenge. (crazy) Everyone in the branch was going through some sort of trail.  So I ended up giving 5 blessings this week.  One of the Ma's in the branch just had her husband leave her for the second time.  She had a dream where she didn't want her husband to take this job he was about to get but he didn't listen to her and he got the job and got into stealing diesel.  And then she had a dream of his garments being torn.  (they were married in the temple) and then she found out he was having an affair and drinking and smoking. And then her son got hijacked and the men almost killed him but the cops came.  Then two nights ago she had her car broken into. So you can say shes having some trails.
Were working hard on this Swahili family and they are doing super well.  One of the boys had a good question.  "If  the priesthood was lost when Jesus died then how did Joseph Smith get it?" Here in South Africa you don't hear  questions like that.
Okay so General Conf was insane!!!  So many changes and what what.  Hope everyone adjusts well to that. But my fav talk was by some dude talking about pure love.  He was talking about sitting by his mom who was sick or something and she wanted him to teach her to pray so she could pray for him.  I know that pure love is when we forget about ourselves and just show compassion to someone else.  So everyone needs to love Christ.  Sometimes we just want ourselves to be happy when really if we serve Christ and forget ourselves we can feel happy. 
okay so hopefully these pics send!!!
love yall

April 3, 2018

Mambo Vipi! 
So I guess there was a big celebration they do here in Dundee with the Muslims and so since they own every store here, everything was closed.  So we got permission to email today.  
Everything is splendid as always.  I'm staying in my area and I was suppose to get my 9th companion but I called president and told him I need my companion because we are teaching this massive Congo refugee family and they only speak Swahili! So he changed things up and I get to stay with Roman for another and baptize a community! Its going to be so choice. I'm hoping for at least 7 baptisms this transfer! Well its the fall of Africa and its going to start getting super cold and I couldn't be more happy!  I guess it snows in the mountains here so hopefully I can put some 2 by 4s on my feet, strap up and shred;) 
Well since I'm on the other side of the world it takes a sec for the conference to get here so we will be watching this Sunday! I've heard good things so Im pretty stoked! I heard Prophet Nelson is still throwing backies on the skis. What a guy.
  I took a ton this week so enjoy!  To bad this computer is not the best so I can actually only send 3
The young adults in the branch
Elder Roman, Sannieh(coolest member in the world) and I
The legendary Gogo Mkati

aight jk only 1 pic. sorry ill try and i find a better way

Elder Roman on the R - Sannieh a member

March 26th 2018

Mom has been a little busy and updating this blog has gotten way behind.  I am using the date of the email as a title.  


hamba kunjani peeps.
exay feda huuzit.
This week was very nice. Had a few really powerful lessons with a member present. I'm trying to learn enough Zulu to be able to teach in Zulu because in the Zulu language its very straight forward and also people tend to listen more. But i've been reading the book of Mormon in Zulu and its helping a lot.
This is the last week of the transfer so I'm hoping I stay with my companion! Hes been in the area for 6 months and that's unheard of in this mission.  That would be funny to have 9 companions in 10 months of mission! But I have a good feeling I will be staying in Dundee for awhile.
This week for some reason we got caught up with talking to a lot of drunk men.  They just talk your head off. And this one man was just singing in Zulu down the street and saw us and yells abafundisa which is pastor. And then kept saying you know spar? Which is a grocery store. and wanted us to take him there for some special they are having. But aish he held us up for about 40 min and I just sat down and had a cat come to me so I just was playing with this cat while my comp was trying to explain to the man that we cant give rides.
Other than that we are just keepin the spirit alive down here in Africa.  We got in a huge discussion in Elders quorum the other day about if murder for protection is still a sin.  Like self defense.  Im not really sure if you have to repent for that but if anyone knows let me know! haha
okay well hamba kahle (goodbye, farewell, go well - Xhosa)
Elder Huff