Monday, February 26, 2018

Transfers - I headed to Mpongani

Well well well my fellow Americans injani!  So something not surprising at all happened this week.  So its transfer week and I'm getting transferred again.  haha I guess I'm a troubled child of the mission.  jk I don't know whats up but its making me tired moving around so much.  At this point though I'm just gonna try and shoot the moon and go to every zone in the mission.  Only 4 more left. 

So I'm going back to Zulu land which I'm very excited to speak again.  Its a place called Mpongani Ngwelazane. Its near the ocean again so back to the humid sticky life. Ive heard its the nicest missionary flat in the mission though so I'm looking forward to that.  But it is another township and its another very small branch. I think it will be a hotter version of my first area. 

So my new companion will be Elder Abel from Rexburg.  He is also in the same group as me so I already know who he is. I also already know every missionary in my new zone so that will be nice.  

Frustrated once again because I was suppose to baptize another girl this upcoming Sunday but I'm being swiped away once again.  Mixed feelings about that because its happened to me before!  haha I just wanna get my toes wet! cmon president!  haha but I will miss my companion a lot!  `it was to much fun with him and also with all the members I have to say bye to.  I guess they are throwing a huge breakfast party for me on Tuesday though.  

So happy Valentines day everyone I hope you enjoyed life with your lovers!  For me I had to spend my day of love with a boy named Elder Allen so that was interesting.  haha oh mission.  We did have a big pizza party though which was fun for everyone.  

Well I will be clear across the mission once again when I email you next week so should be a good email I hope!  peace and love!

sorry no pics this week I don't have a lot of time

Cool experience with lions

Okay so this week was without a doubt the coolest week on mission ive ever had.  We got to teach a ton which was not normal but then on Wednesday we went to one of the biggest lion parks in South Africa.  They had maybe 50 lions just roaming around. and then a bunch of tigers and all kinds of things.  

So we got to play with all the cubs which was so choice!  The guy was just like " okay just sit down and they will come"  and we sat down and all these lions came barreling out of the house and just tackled us.  So we wrestled around with them for a long time and yo!  they are so strong!  My arms look like I just listened to a Linkin Park CD.  They were scratched up super bad.  They also chewed up my shoes and destroyed my thrasher t-shirt.  So I guess these baby lions just stay with the guy in the house.  They had 7 of them.  And then low and behold a leopard was chilling in this guys bathroom window.  I guess it sleeps with him every night.  

So Allen and I really wanted to wrestle with the big lions so the guy took us into the cage with 2 one year old lions and a one year old tiger.  They were huge and super powerful.  It was actually pretty scary being in the cage with these things.  The guy told us to never turn our back on the tiger because it would hurt us.  So i finally understand that you really cant tame these animals because even though we were just playing with them they would swat at us and the one lion bit me pretty good on the side.   But it was a once in a lifetime experience.  

Okay so I will try and send as many pics as possible.

Also we had a huge rain storm the other day and we were riding our bikes through rivers in the street mixed with a little bit of sewage... So it was a day to remember for sure and I wish I could of caught it on camera.

Well have fun that side and ill be trying to stay alive down here.

Peace and Blessings. 

Monday, February 5, 2018

Teaching a Cricket team

hola hola. 

This week for some reason we found ourselves getting caught up in alot of dancing!  Just people on the streets always have music and also there was another soccer game.  

This week was super fun!  We have focused all of our teaching right where we live so we dont have to go far.  And also we ran into this guy coming out of a bar and he stopped us and yeah he was a little drunk but not bad so we decided to listen to him.   Anyways turns out he is a coach for the local cricket team and wanted us to go to the field and teach his men because they "need Jesus"  So we went to check it out and turns out he was telling the truth. And some of the guys are super good and they want to hear about what we have.  So we might be baptizing a cricket team soon.  Also these Red Bull girls showed up and thought we were on the team so we got free Red Bull. 

Everyone else that we are teaching are slowly progressing. Its kind of died down because school just started again so thats rough.  But the little things make the days better.  We do have 3 baptisms scheduled for the 25th of Feb. so hopefully that will go well.  

Something kind of scary.  The Elders that live up the road from us were walking home at night which is not a good idea here and they really need to reconsider that but these two guys robbed them and took everything they had and the one elder got hit in the face with a machete.  So President is thinking of giving the cars back.  

Oh yeah also there is an Elder here who is Elder Legas.  He is suppose to be the next big time QB for BYU but he just found out he had a tumor in his neck that is cancer.  So he has to go home. Sad stuff. 

here is a pic of a huge sandstorm that hit us. and a ostrich on the side of the road.



So this week was so much fun and the reason is because we got bikes!!!  I was so stoked I was able to convince President to get us bikes!  But now were flying through the township!  Its been alot of fun and we have been able to find 25 new investigators!! so the work is progressing.  

Also this week I think it rained every single night.  So thats super nice because the mornings have been cool.  But weve come home soaking wet like 3 times because we couldnt find cover.  So yeah theres actually nothing fun about that. 

This Saturday though it was one of our recent converts birthday so we had a braii and cake. The meat that people cook here is to die for.  

Oh yeah so Listeria just broke out here.  It came down from Joburg but hopefully I dont get that.  I guess its already taken 19 lives in a week.  I really hope they dont pull us out of the area.  

I guess alot has happened back home! alot of sad stuff.  Im keeping Karson in my prayers for sure.  Thats not fun and im sure he is in a tough spot right now.  So everyone pray for him and his family.  The plan of salvation is real!  I know he knows that too.  

Love you guys and here are some pics.
going to have some super good pics next monday because im going to be wrestle a lion.