Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Transferred again!

So I am getting transferred again and I'm not to happy about it.  The main reason why I'm not happy about is just because this big family  that we are teaching is going to be baptized on Dec. 10th and 4 of them want me to baptize them and the other 4 want me to confirm.  So yeah I won't be able to do that and I don't when I will ever meet a family as big and as powerful as this one.  

So this next area will be my 4th area that I will be in.  Remember I am only 5 months on mission. Anyways this new area is 12 hour drive clear out into the desert of Africa!  It's a township called Rocklands in the city of Blomfontein.  The city is very nice and I have  actually always wanted to go to Blomfontein.  It will still be hot of course but at least it will be dry!   But then I wont get to see any green for awhile... aww.  My new companion is Elder Neilsen and I have no idea who he is so I will write about him next week.  So yeah I am very sad to leave Harper.   I really thought I was going to get to kill him but I guess not. (to kill a companion means that the companion will be going home and that he will be in his last transfer) This was a big surprise for both of us and we tried to talk to President about it but he said its not for us its for our companions we will be getting.  

Anyways glad you guys all chowed down like crazy.  Have a jolly good time jumping into December but oh wait there is no snow so that sucks.  But I heard the ghee has the most snow in the nation? True or nah?  Everyone go skiing and if you don't ski then learn how.  Send videos and pics too so I can dream about skiing.  I miss skiing.  
Live it up, Love it down!

the big family sitting in chairs is the family we are baptizing and the little boy on the far right is insane! We call him Bunka. 
But the ma of the family only has 3 kids which are in the pic but the others she just takes them in and takes care of them.  Like the one girl who looks older sitting down on the right next to Bunka. The ma took her in when she was 13 and pregnant.  Some of the kids mother is living in America but left her kids in South Africa so the ma just takes care of them.  She is amazing.

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